Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thing #17 - Tagging and social bookmarking with Del.icio.us

Social bookmarking is another new one on me. I didn't realize that there were sited that would allow you to do this. It is really neat and all your book markings can go here instead of sending yourself emails at work about a neat site that you found at home. You can have one place to bookmark everything instead of the computers you use at home and at work. The site that helped me understand the most about social bookmarking was the one on YouTube - Social Bookmarking in Plain English. I really like the way that the guy gives you the information in little pictures. It is basic and to the point!
When school starts I am going to try and get our department to use del.icio.us to bookmark sites on the various courses that are within our subject area and see what happens. The demo on you tube made me think of this. We are always emailing one another sites but this sounds like the best way to combine everything and would be a great way for new teachers to get started by just joining in at the beginning and have some resources to use that we have all found useful. We can all contribute and view the information from any computer since our rooms are used during our conference periods.
From the library aspect it could be a tool that students could use to generate sites that they thought were helpful or a teacher could post sites for them to get started on certain things like research papers. It really seems like an endless source for information that can be added to and retrieved from anywhere.


Debbie said...

MISD also offers a staff development on del.icio.us called Social Bookmarking if you are interested in learning more.

CoachD said...

Thanks for the info!