Tuesday, July 22, 2008

Thing #16 - Get organized with web 2.0 tools

I am using the start page that I created in igoogle. I like that you can create and make it personal to your interests. I play around on it way toooooo much but it is fun! :)
The online calendar that I have fallen in love with is google calendar. It is awesome for my busy schedule with the kids. I have already filled it up to the date school starts. I really like the features that let you see the day, week, and monthly view but the agenda is something that I think that I really am going to like since it is a list form. Time will tell.
The to do list remember the milk might be helpful to others but for me I think it would be way to much work! I think the google calendar is all I need.
For the site I would recommend is google calendar. It is something that I have been looking for and is very easy to use! I also would have to say to others take a look at engrade. It is a grade book site that allows parents and students to view their grades from the computer and has a calendar of what is going on in your classroom. I am going to take a second look at it and if I can get the percentages and schedule of our six weeks and semester grades to work I will be using it this next year. I wish MISD would make grades available to parents online. I know that being able to see my sons grades this past year in another district has made it to where I can see what he is doing or NOT doing. Come on MISD step up to making this available to our community. It would be a great tool and I know they would appreciate it along with the teachers! :)

1 comment:

Wendy's Wanderings said...

I had never heard of engrade until your posting so I will take a look at it also. I like the gradebook we have in elementary because it can print progress reports, but I will gladly post grades online if it will hold parents and students more accountable. Thanks for the information.